Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Works For Me Wednesday

Welcome to this weeks edition of Works For Me Wednesday, hosted by Shannon over at Rocks in My Dryer

One thing that does work for me, as un-exciting as it may be, are Mr. Clean's Magic Erasers. They clean everything! Except stuff on oil based paints. I will test before hand to see if something is oil based. lol I have used Mr. Clean Magic Erasers to clean practically everything in my house.

I also love to use Orange glow orange oil! It comes in a spray bottle, and I use it to clean glass shower doors, tubs and shower walls. You just spray it on, and wipe it off after a few minutes with a dry cloth. It prevents the soap scum from sticking to the smooth surfaces, and the water just slides off too.

1 comment:

ames said...

I *love* magic erasers! They get coffee stains out of my counter tops, rust stains out of my shower, and gunk off my stove top with like no effort! The only problem I have with them is they leave a powdery residue sometimes that I have to wipe off.

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