Thursday, May 08, 2008

Thursday Ramblings

I don't have much time to write today, as I have family coming in from out of town. My mom and sister are coming for Mother's Day. It has turned into an annual traidtion with us!

So here I am at almost 11am, still sitting in my pajamas because I have been cleaning up and writing my last PayPerPost opp. I got my first Avon shipment!! I started putting that into bags for my customers, along with a couple samples I ordered for everyone. So if you ordered from me, you'll be getting a couple extra goodies!!!

Hubby told me he had ordered me a package. I thought it was maybe an iPod, or something else electronic. The Fed-Ex truck came, and to my surprise, he sent me a gorgeous boquet of tulips for Mother's Day!!! I love them. Tulips are my favorite flowers. I will add a picture after they have bloomed some more. Thank you honey, they are so pretty!!!!

Well, my kindergartener gets home in an hour and I have to shower, get the baby down for a nap, tidy up some more and get off this computer!!!

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