Today I am going to enlighten you all about SocialSpark. Social Spark is a sister company to PayPerPost, and is run by Izea. I thought it might be fun to get some more posting opportunities, as I am all for making any money I can. I set up my profile, and if you click on the link you can get an idea of how it works. My profile was pretty easy to set up, and it didn't take me too much time this morning. I can get quite a few posting opps as well, since my blog is "old" which makes me happy. I picked my profile simply because it is mine, and because everyone else who signs up can see how easy it was to do it, and how theirs will look as well.
I do have to say though, that I do not find the Social Spark website very user friendly. A friend of mine has also signed up for Social Spark, and I can not find any of the information that she did. That discourages me a bit, but I am going to keep plugging away at it to see what I can uncover about the site. I can not accept any opps now, as my blog has not yet been approved, but that should be done in the next day or so. I will be taking any available opps that I can!
From what I did uncover, there are several different posting opps. Those include:
1. Sponsored posts like what I do for PayPerPost
2. Banner Adds. A sponsor will pay you to host their banner on your blog
3. Sparks. A "spark" is for those of us with writers block, like I often get. It is not a paid opp, but more often than not, the sponsor will blog about you on their site in return. This is called "Blog U Back". Even though I wouldn't get paid for doing this, it actually does give me some sort of "return". See, if another blogger writes about me or my blog on their blog, that will generate more traffic to this site. Which in turn will raise my rank with PayPerPost, and get me more Opps, and therefore, more money! So you can see how the Spark feature is one of their best.
I wanted to share something funny about Social Spark. While I was navigating the "Sparks", I happened upon a spark for the scariest picture. A little background...The Exorcist is the scariest movie ever. I watched it with my hubby when we lived in Germany, and for months afterwards, I made him come to the bathroom with me at night because I was so scared. I hate seeing pictures of Reagan. So you can imagine how startled and scared I was when I opened this spark, because lo and behold, it was a picture of Regan's face. It startled me so much, I got tears in my eyes. LOL
Once my blog is fully approved, I am going to jump right in and do as much as I can. I have to admit, I was skeptical at first, but after more research, I like what I see at Social Spark.
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