Monday, June 30, 2008

A Little Update, Amidst The Sweltering Heat

I haven't had much to write lately, we've been pretty busy!

The kids start Karate and Swimming lessons tomorrow night, and they are all excited! I started back at the gym today, and man, I felt awesome! I hadn't been in two weeks and I felt so empowered once I started rockin' on that elliptical machine.

My husband is coming home on the 10th, so I have started to get the house ready for him. He always likes it to be a certain way (meaning clean! LOL), so I need to get that taken care of. We're excited to see him, as he hasn't been home since the beginning of may.

And the baby's potty is going really well! Still having a few accidents, but she is doing well with recognizing the urge to go. Not good with #2 yet, but we've only been doing this since Friday, so I did not expect her to do it overnight. She is staying dry most of the time, and rarely has a pee accident either. Naps are ok for staying dry, and I wake her up at midnight too. Sometimes she wakes up wet, but night time training is quite hard to master. She only wears regular cotton panties during the day, and at night time, or naps (or when we're out), thick cotton training pants and a vinyl/plastic cover.

And I have to share, a good friend of mine passed her American Citizenship test! Yaay Heather!!! She has her ceremony on Monday. I will be applying for my citizenship in two years, as I have to have my green card for 2 years and 9 months before I can apply.

Till next time!

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