I wonder if I can actually come up with 100 Things
1. I have been married to my hubby for almost 9 years
2. We have 4 kids. Two are twins and almost 8, boy and a girl. Then we have one who is 6, a girl, and one who is 2.5 a girl as well.
3. I have lived in 3 different countries and 2 continents. Canada, Germany and USA
4. I have auburn hair and green eyes
5. I am not an American Citizen, I have a green card
6. My last paying job was over in October 2000, when I quit because we were moving back to the states.
7. Though I might complain a lot about being a Stay at Home mom, I love that I don't have to work outside of the home
8. I make a kick ass Apple Pie
9. I am 28 years old and the oldest of 3 kids. I have a brother and a sister
10. We have 3 girls and 1 boy. My husband's family has 3 boys and 1 girl. I thought that was neat
11. I swore I would never drive a mini van, but now that I have one, I adore it.
12. I am stuck in a rut with my cooking. I cook the same things over and over.
13. I wish we still lived in Germany
14. I collect Hallmark Christmas ornaments
15. I also collect Snow Globes, Gingerbread Men, and Snowmen
16. I also collect Depression era colored glass
17. When I talk to my Canadian cousins, or hear Canadians on the phone/tv, I laugh at their accents and can't believe I used to sound like that ;o)
18. I love being pregnant and would love to have more babies, but I despise the sleepless nights and breastfeeding. babies are fun once they're a couple months old
19. I can't have any more babies because I had my tubes tied during my last c-section
20. I have had 3 c-sections and had my tubes tied because if I had gotten pregnant again, I could have risked dying due to all my scar tissue and possible uterine ruptures. Scary! 4 kids is enough though.
21. My favorite color is black
22. I use mostly clinique makeup
23. I sell Avon, and yes, I do use and like their products.
24. I met my hubby on the internet December 18th, 1998. we were married Dec 29th 1999
25. I yell far too often
26. I love to read
27. My favorite books are historical and/or historical romances, but I read Harry Potter, Pillars of The Earth, His Dark Materials, Twlight Saga, Earth's Children series. Tons of books.
28. I've been known to stay up till 2:30/3 Am some mornings reading because I was so engrossed in the book
29. Laundry is my nemesis, so is folding it.
30. I spend far too much time on the internet. I need to cut back.
31. I would love to learn how to sew to make custom clothes for my daughters
32. My almost 8 year old son is only 1 foot shorter than me.
33. I am 5'9", he is about 4'9"
34. I have big feet, sz 11. I was sz 10 pre kids.
35. My son takes after his dad and I with big feet, he wears mens size 6.5/7
36. Every year at Christmas, the kids and I decorate one or two gingerbread houses. I love this tradition
37. I spent only 15 days with my hubby in person before we were married. The majority of our relationship was spent thousands of miles apart and conducted over the phone and email.
38. We bought our first kitchen table almost 9 years ago and we're still using it today. I'm sad because we are being forced to upgrade next march when we get our tax return. It's gotten too small for all of us. I'll keep it though.
39. I am 2nd generation Canadian. Both sets of my grandparents immigrated to Canada from Holland
40. I love Dutch candies, droopjies and stroop waffles.
41. I love to scrapbook, but I am so behind right now. I need to get some photos developed badly!
42. I lived in this country for almost 1.5 years before I got my US drivers license.
43. I have had a Canadian license, a USAREUR license (United States Army Europe) and a WA state license. Yaay!
44. My favorite movie is View From The Top
45. I don't have a favorite TV show. I rarely watch TV actually.
46. I really really want to go see Twilight in the theater, but I probably won't be able to because I don't have a babysitter, so hopefully it will still be there when hubby comes home for christmas.
47. I once burned my little sister on the wrist with a curling iron to wake her up. She still has a scar
48. We let our kids watch shows like Futurama and The Simpsons
49. I am not a Christian.
50. We don't buy our kids a lot of toys. They do get spoiled at Christmas and their birthdays, just not in between. We don't even have a game system, but we're thinking of buying a PS2 for our son for Christmas. Not sure yet. They still don't have a lot of toys though.
51. I don't think there is anything wrong with gay marriage.
52. I have two cats, Zeus (a Silver Maine coon) and Hades, a black mutt. They're gorgeous
53. We have a black lab, Braddock, who we've had for 5.5 years. We love him even when he's a pain in the ass
54. I'm scared of fish. They're nice to look at, but don't ask me to keep one as a pet if I have to take care of it. Forget it!
55. My favorite ice cream right now is "Coffee" by Haagen Daas. I dont eat a lot of ice cream though.
56. My favorite candies are Peanut M&Ms and Jelly Belly jelly beans, and Sour Soothers (from Canada)
57. I love Pizza, Papa Murphy's especially.
58. I love shopping
59. My youngest daughter's wardrobe is almost completely Gymboree. I do buy her other brands, but the majority is Gymbo. My older daughters wear a lot as well, as does my son. He wears mostly Gap. We also shop at The Children's Place and Old Navy and Target.
60. Contrary to what people think, I can make Gymboree affordable. I always shop on sale and with a coupon. I've gotten items for as low as $.28 cents before!!!
61. Photography is a hobby of mine. I've one a blue ribbon first prize before!
62. I clean out my ears with q tips even though I know it's bad. I'm careful though ;o)
63. I'm having trouble coming up with 100 things
64. I paint my nails red red because my husband likes it
65. I swoon over a fictional Vampire named Edward. I want my own Edward.
66. We can proudly say that everything in this house, save for a few small gifts, has been bought and paid for by us.
67. I've never learned how to ski
68. I will only use Charmin tp. My bum deserves softness
69. Other brands I stick with are Dove (deodorant, soap, shampoo/conditioner), Heinz Ketchup, French's Mustard.
70. I always put on chap stick before I go to sleep otherwise my lips are sore in the morning
71. My favorite perfume is "With Love" by Hillary Duff. Hubby got it for me for Xmas last year
72. I can't wear fake silver/gold earrings. I react badly to the fake stuff.
73. My favorite christmas gift was a silver heart shaped locket that my husband got me last year
74. Hubby and I have moved many times since we got married, but the one thing we have a hard time purging is Books. We have tons of books.
75. I love thrift store/goodwill shopping. Love getting a good bargain! I got my son a brand new pair of Vans for $4 a couple years ago.
76. Two of my favorite actors are Chevy Chase and Steve Martin.
77. During the winter, I love to sit down with a big mug of hot chocolate
78. I've never gotten the whole "Seinfeld" thing
79. I cried during the last episode of "Friends"
80. When my husband was home last month, I thoroughly enjoyed looking up old 80s cartoons on YouTube with him. We had so much fun, and I got to see shows like The Gummy Bears!
81. I refuse to have the kids' birthday parties at our house. We gladly spend the extra money and go somewhere for it, like mini golf or something.
82. I am still sad sometimes that we had to sell our house last spring. I miss it a lot. But renting is cheaper.
83. I actually like Spinning class, even though it kicks my ass
84. When I was 17, I was abducted by Aliens
85. I don't like to wear high heels. I own one pair of shorter heels, but they aren't very tall at all.
86. I picked strawberries this summer, and canned my own jam. Can't wait to do it next summer.
87. When my husband and I were first married, we ate out on the economy almost every night
88. In highschool I was practically fluent in French, but I have since lost it.
89. I have studied/spoken French, Russian, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, Esperanto and German.
90. Math was my worst subject.
91. Years ago, when my husband and I were working out, I was running on the treadmill and I lost my balance and fell off the back of it as it was on.
92. My husband took me shooting once, and the gun was so powerful, that it jerked me back and the hammer hit me in the forehead.
93. I think hunting is wrong.
94. I love cooking with my crock pot
95. I once was in a 4 car pile up on a bridge near our old house and totalled our Jeep. I was scared for months to drive over the bridge, it always gave me anxiety.
96. The scariest movie I have ever seen was The Exorcist. I have banned the hubby from watching it while I am in the house. He now has it in his truck and can watch it on his lap top
97. Only two of my children were planned, the other two were very happy surprises
98. My husband says I am a good girl
99. I'm scared of the dentist.
100. I celebrated the milenium in Europe.