Monday, August 18, 2008

Little Things

My credit card payment is due this week and I had plans to pay it this afternoon, but this morning when I opened my e-mail, there was an email from my hubby informing me he had paid it himself. I wrote back to him saying I had been planning on paying it, so thank you, and he wrote back saying, "well now you don't have to. xo"

Just two letters. XO

Isn't it amazing how two little letters can invoke such strong feeling?

It is hard to explain how I felt seeing "xo", but I felt such love emanating from those two letters.


In other news, at play care today, Miss Suki was able to get my youngest daughter to PEE on a potty WITHOUT a potty seat!!!! Clap with me! I forgot to put her on the potty after breakfast and realized that when we arrived at the YMCA, so I informed them and I found out afterwards that they had been successful. And then today while we were at Target, she went pee on a potty AGAIN!!!!! HOORAY!!! She is making such leaps and bounds. We only have one more hurdle to cross with potty training, and that is pooping in the big potty, and not on her little one. She has caught on so quickly and I am so proud of her!

The reason I have been gone lately is because I have been totally entranced by the Twilight Saga written by Stephanie Meyer . I don't want to spoil it, but it is about a girl that falls in love with a Vampire. I finished the first book in two days, and I ran out to Target today today to get the second one. I am almost half way through it!! I have to say, these books are fantastic! You get so involved with the characters. I am so much, that I actually cried at certain points during this second book. The way Stephanie portrays what Bella, the main character, is going through, is absolutely heart breaking to read. I am that into that book, that I actually felt like she was, feeling her pain.

I LOVE this series. Probably one of my all time favorites, but then I have always been interested with the Vampire side of things. I highly recommend the series if you haven't read it yet. The movie for the first book is coming out this November. I am hoping I can find a sitter or something so that I can go see it.

Thankfully I still have two and a half more books to go. I really need to slow myself down though, because I always ruin it for myself by reading so fast. I love to read, but I just want to enjoy it.

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